Wednesday, July 4, 2007

16 days left in the US

So here is my Blog- everyone else has one so I guess I should make an attempt! The goal is to make this a way for everyone to keep up with me while I am away. I'm not sure if I will be able to constantly keep this up to date, because I am not entirely sure where I will be placed for my service. Ideally, this will be kept up to date with a post every few weeks! We will see how that works out once I get over there! Another goal I had was to get an email list going so that my mom could email with updates--since I would probably getting in touch with her more often! But those of you who know my mother are aware of her computer savvy---so we will hold off on that thought!
I just wanted to thank everyone for their thoughts (and prayers!) and everyone who was able to attend my going away party (and those who were there in spirit!) It means a lot to me to have such great people in my life- makes it harder to leave! Thanks again! And HAPPY 4th of JULY!!

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